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Personality of the Month

August 2002

Sardar Gurdial Singh Saggu

    Our this month's personality, Sardar Gurdial Singh Saggu is the person who has the credit to his name for being the first to deploy Gondola (Guns) on MIG Aircrafts in 1971 at 3rd Base Repair Depot A.F., during the Indo-Pak War.

   He was born on 14th November, 1924 at village Ubhewal, district Sangrur to Shrimati Aso Devi Channa and Sardar Ishar Singh. His father was engaged in the work of sappy. He passed his matriculation form Barjindra High School, Faridkot in 1940.

     Right from the childhood he had a technical bent of mind. After completing his education he worked in Oriental Science Apparatus workshop at Ambala Cantt. and started to manufacture laboratory appliances. Later on 14th April, 1944 he joined the Royal India Airforce at Lahore as AC2 in instrument trade. In 1967, he took volunteer retirement and left the Air Force. But his technical talent didn't allowed him to sit idle and he joined Hindustan Aeronautics Limited as chief supervisor on 2nd February, 1970.

    Due to his talent and Knowledge, within 26 days of joining, he was selected in a technical team going to Russia (formerly Known as USSR) to bring the MIG overhaul technology and setup overhaul department.
     Keeping in mind his services, hard work and sincere efforts to solve problems towards Air Force they awarded him on different occasions. He was also awarded on Independence day in 1983 with Commendation Award. He got married to Smt. gurdial Kaur Birdi on 15th July, 1931.

He has given a message to ramgarhiakom that
"Everyone should have a fixed goal in his life and should leave no stone
unturned to achieve that goal and high position in both
profession and education


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